
We are in BETA!!!!!!

We launched the new design for the site the other day and that was awesome! Then we sent out the first batch of invites for the applications private beta, and that was even more awesome! And now, we are getting hits and inquiries left and right, and that is super awesome!!!!!

Ok, enough with the awesome. Nothing can be that awesome. . . can it?

The burning question everyone has on their minds is. . . wait for it. . . WHAT IS BETA?!?

These days, beta means many different things, especially when speaking of web applications. In the case of ComicSubz, beta means that we have reached a point in development where we want some user feedback.

We have gotten the member section ready for some user testing, but before we go all the way with the plan, we have to make sure this is an idea that will somewhat be embraced. I guess, you could say we are being cautious, but we have spent a little over a year getting to what you see today (that is if you have created an account).

Also, beta means that we are testing the servers and making sure they don't buckle. So far so good.

We are also testing the integrity of the application. Will it hold up? Do you like it? etc, etc.

So that is beta to us.

I know that generally this blog has been quiet in regard to comments. That is cool with me. I know a few people read this thing. But, if you have signed up for an account, I would really like to hear what you think.

After all, I am making a tool for you as well as for myself.

Enjoy the beta.



Unknown said...

Great service! I'm all signed up and hoping my comic shop starts using it. How long do you think you'll be in beta?

comicsubz said...

The beta period should go on for roughly 30 days. After those 30 days we will develop a plan on how to fully release the application to everyone (retailers and customers), as well as any new features we want to launch with when we unveil the whole enchilada.

I am glad you are digging what we are doing. If you have any ideas, or comments as you use the app further, please let me know.