
MySpace does not like me. . .

Ok, we are coming in on a week on the beta, and I am trying my best to get the word out on this whole ComicSubz thing. . . so I have a few options:

Post in forums - Where I little to no response (with 1 board being the exception) or get my thread deleted all together. . . great!

MySpace/ComicSpace Bulletins - These get buried in a matter of a few hours. So nothing there.

MySpace Comments - This is what I was just doing and to a complete disaster. Lets just say, that when I posted to someone's comments, sometimes, after a few errors, my post would appear several times. This is the time when I send a message to the persons profile begging for forgiveness for this gross error and that I did not mean to do that.

So there you have it. My gurilla campaign to get ComicSubz out there in front of people is not really as successful as I would have liked. Jessica keeps telling me that these things take time. There is a reason she is my better half. . .

More soon.

1 comment:

tom said...

It ain't called Beta for nothing. :) It'll totally pick up...as soon as the cool new features roll out, it'll be a huge hit!