

To say that ComicSuz is always on my mind would be a complete lie. My interests are far and wide. It does not help that I have the attention span of a gnat.

I may have mentioned it previously, but I do have a strong interest in creating comics. I have written several stories and am looking to ultimately finish them by actually drawing them someday. This is after ComicSubz launches and takes over the world, and after my beautiful baby girl is born and I raise her to be an upstanding citizen in this world, and I up my game as being a great husband to my wife, and I become a creative director in my day job and I have a lot of people doing my work for me. . . After all of that, I want to be a comic book creator.

So every chance I get, and every deadline I can blow by at least a month, I take on something extra. This time around, my old friend Vito Delesante asked me to do a 5 pager for his book, The Mercury Chronicles Annual. The character is awesome, and Vito is a great writer. . . how could I pass this up. Here is a little preview.

And speaking of previews. . . well, since I had the camera out, I could not resist taking a pic of where I am with both the application and the front facing site. I can't wait to show you guys all the progress I have made, but this pic is going to have to do until the new year.

Comments always welcome.

More soon.

1 comment:

tom said...

Woah! ComicSubz looks great so far...very "fresh" and "now". Diggin the pages too. Are you going to color them? Say yes!